Today's NARUTO Widget

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How to Use the Widget

A widget (gadget) is a small independent program that you can insert in the empty spaces on your blog such as the sidebar.
The Today's NARUTO widget can be installed on your blog. You should refer an explanatory note about a widget in your blog service, if you want to know how to install the widget.
The widget displays a today's NARUTO from your blog by clicking on the button in the widget. The NARUTO is shown in a new window or a new tab.
The widget requires an environment in which the JavaScript works. Some conditions, such as OS or browser, can not carry out this widget. The widget is provided with no guarantee.
Body Hamster Checker Widget is also available.

The Widget for Your Blog

Today's NARUTO Widget (Bamboo)

You can install this widget on your blog by copy-paste of HTML tags below.

Today's NARUTO Widget (White)

You can install this widget on your blog by copy-paste of HTML tags below.

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